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Snow days and what they mean to me

Hello everyone it is your favorite country girl blogger once again. It is January 30,2017 and we have about 3 inches of snow or so.. I know that does not seem like much, but where I live and the fact I am a total chicken when it comes to driving in the snow, it is a consideral amount in my book lol. I think I will just stay home and blog lol…. I love a good snow day… There are several reasons I love and hate snow.. We definatley have a love hate relationship. I love snow first of all because it is so stinking pretty, it also gives me a reason to stay home and either get a few things done or blog. I like to watch the snow fall. Each flake is so different from the other, not one being the same. They fall usually so gently and slow and it is kind of calming to me. I can always curl up with a blanket and a good cup of coffee and watch the flakes fall for hours, as long as I know all my family and friends are home safely and doing the same.

Some may think I am nuts ( and many do lol) but I love when we have a good snowy winter day and the power is out. So peiceful and quit. And that reminds me of the old days in the movies where they have snow on the ground and they live in a tiny old rustic cabin in the middle of nowhere and all they have to do is either read a good book, crochet, wittle or just talk to one another. To me that is a good day. We as a whole do not do any of this enough anymore. Now we have cell phones, tv’s, game stations and computers to occupy our time when we should be cherishing the time with loved ones. I have always said I would love to live back in those days.

I also love to feed the birds when it snows and watch as they hop along the blanket of white puffy snow. It amazes me how they can walk on the top of the snow and never fall through. I love to watch and see how many different types of birds come to my feeder. I also like to watch my dogs go running through and plowing thier way through the snow and pouncing on one another. It is kinda fun to watch..

The only reasons I do not like snow is that it can make for very slick roads.. And alot of people (including myself) really do not know how to drive in the snow and have no choice but to go to work. For those who have to go out please be safe I will be praying for you all..



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