LemonBalm also known as “Melissa officinalis” is a member of the mint family, and isone of five perennial herbs native to Europe, Central Asia and Iran. The plant develops many branches and grows toa height of about two feet. The leaves are 2 to 3 inches long, oval to almostheart shaped, shiny and wrinkled with scalloped edges. Small light blue towhite flowers appear in late spring through midsummer. The name of Melissa isderived from the Greek word for bee. Some ancient Greet authors in the 16th Century observed LemonBalm as being useful in attracting and keeping bees. Ancient Greek physicians used the leavessteeped in wine to treat snake bites and scorpion stings.
LemonBalm had a reputation for promoting longevity and dispelling melancholy. In the 17thCentury, FrenchCarmelite nuns gave Carmelite water to some of their followers. This lemon balm infused water known as “miraclewater” was thought to improve memory, vision, reduce rheumatic pain, fever andcongestion. It was also known to ease insomnia and anxiety. Lemon balm is also known to have antiviralproperties, which make a good topical treatment for cold sores. Lemon balm grows naturally in sandy andscrubby areas in the wild. However, one could grow their own if they wanted to.The plants can usually be found at your local green houses or online. You can also grow it from seed, either wayremember, just like mint they like warmer temperatures, so don’t plant outsideuntil the danger of the last frost has passed by.
Ifgrowing from seed, plant the lemon balm in spring or early fall. The seed isvery small and should be covered with only a small layer of soil. Spacingshould be 12 to 24 inches apart in the row and 24 inches, or whatever distanceis practical for cultivation, between the rows. Close spacing of rows andindividual plants will result in larger yields. When choosing were to plantthem, keep in mind that lemon balm self-sows freely, spreads rapidly and canquickly become a weed. Lemon balm grows best in fertile, moist soil. It prefersa cool, partially shaded place, but will also grow in full sun. Plants grown inshade, however, tend to be larger and more succulent than those grown in directsunlight. In regions where the ground freezes, the crowns should be mulched forthe winter. Trimming the plant backoccasionally helps it to become fuller and healthier.
Lemonbalm is great in cooking. Use lemon balm in place of lemon peel and to flavorsoups, sauces, vinegars and seafood. Or one could add it to your favorite sugarcookie dough for a pretty tea cookie. Or toss a few fresh leaves into a salador a bowl of mixed fresh fruit or to use in a vinaigrette for marinades andsalads. It also makes great herb butter.
Anative of southern Europe and northern Africa, lemon balm has antioxidants. It’sa popular ingredient in anti-aging products, dietary supplements, tinctures andointments. It’s one of the main ingredients in liqueurs such as the FrenchBenedictine and Chartreuse, and it is also a common ingredient in herb teas. Ahandful of fresh lemon balm and mint makes a great hot or iced tea with honey.
Researchedby : Carrie Nicholas