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Blackberriesalso known as bramble, Brummel, bramble berry, brymbyl in Old English andbromberry in Germany, is a very tasty berry that is used in many differentways. They are used for food, medicine and even as dye. The Native Americans used them to dye animalskins.

Thereare more than 50 species of blackberries. Judge Logan who lived in California,was the first to start breeding blackberries in 1880 and introduced the Loganberry, which is a close relative of the blackberry. Luther Burbank tried tomake the first thorn-less berry in 1921, but was unsuccessful. The berry lackedthe flavor that it needed.

Throughoutthe years, blackberries have been used in a lot of different ways in the fieldof medicine. Over 2,000 years ago theywere used to treat bowel problems and fever. The root, back and leaves are used more than the actual berries in mostremedies. In 1771, it was documentedthat blackberries aided in the cure of ulcers. I remember my dad would boil theroots and make tea from it to help with his ulcers. In the past, it was also used to aid in thehealing of whooping cough, as well as thought to cure venomous bites, boils andsore throats.

Itwas documented in 1696 by London Pharmacopoeia, that blackberries were used inwine and cordials. The pioneers would make jam and pies or crumbles from thedelicious berry.

Somethought blackberries would protect them against spells and curses if harvestedin the correct moon phase. It was alsothought that if children with hernias would pass through the berry patch itwould cure them as well. Also, it wasbelieved that if one had boils and crawled through the berry patch the boilswould be cured.

Blackberrybushes and vines have been used for many different purposes over the years. Forexample, Native Americans used blackberry canes and vines to make twine. Europeans would plant them around theirvillages because it was thought to protect them from enemies and large animals. The Ancient Greeks would use blackberries totreat gout. Arab physicians in the 10th Century believed the berry could be anaphrodisiac.

Blackberriesare a thorny shrub, that grow “canes” (the shoots that come from the ground),then flower in late summer and theberries will follow once the pedals of the flower have all died back. The berries are ready to pick when they havereached a deep purple color, are no long red, and can be removed from easilyfrom the vine.

Asone can see, blackberries can be used in many ways and are delicious in anassortment of recipes, not to mention they are very good for the body. So, enjoy some blackberries this summer.

Researchedby: Carrie Nicholas



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